Thursday, 4 April 2013

It isnt over til the fat man sings!

Today is 4th April 2013

Before my today my training has been in a word.....................................pish! Easter weekend of chocolate easter eggs, fry-iups and a nasty infection in my hand has resulted in me starting to resemble my dreaded pre fatman years diet consisiting of burgers, chocolate and any crap I could pile down my throat.

I have always been told that when training it is definitely quality over quantity.  So today' session involved me doing ten hill reps ( that would be ten hill reps in my head).  I started off at milngavie train station and went the first mile to the semi large hill to take you into the woods. It has taken me a wee while to realise if you slack off for a week and youve just started out your journey your fitness will be seriously diminished. 

I did 5 hill rep consisting of 2 1/2 mins to top and 1 min back down in total 17 1/2 minutes of hills.  Not good by profesional standards but good by this fatmans standards.  In total 40 min workout.

What I learnt today. It took me 12 mins to run 1 mile at the start of my run. At the end  when I was supposed to be wrecked I did 1 mile in 9 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have been reading a lot and I mean lots of literature about hill training, and I'm starting to become a believer.  Running hills increases speed on the flat and increases endurance.

I have joined a gym to incorporate swimming, spin, body pump, core exercises and Yoga (yes you heard right!) yoga to cross train  I have also downloaded a 16 week 50k training plan and following to the letter. I am determined to see my dream of whw race 2015 a reality.  But im goging to have a blast training along the way and looking forward to meeting lots of good people along the way.

My new saying "My Race, My Pace"

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